Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Hair Growth by LLLT-


Laser Comb

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been used to reduce inflammation.It helps to increase scalp blood circulation & thus provides more O2 in the Follicle.
Only application of LLLT for Hair Regrowth may not be so helpful.It has more positive effect when used side by side with Medical Treatment.For details please go to the pages of:

Tuesday, 28 June 2011



There are a number of reasons why men start to go bald, but if you are a man between the ages of about 20 to 45 and you start to lose scalp hair, then the chances are 95 per cent certain that you are experiencing Male Pattern Baldness( MPB). As the term suggests, MPB follows a typical sequence or pattern. Hair loss can start in different areas but is usually at the temples and/or on the crown of the head. Initial thinning of hair progresses over a number of years and e may lead to total baldness but more typically loss of hair over the top surface of the head.


Daily Hair Loss-
Normally one can experience 100 strands of hair fall per day.But side by side there is always a active regrowth process.Hair normally lives for around five years. With MPB these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.
So, a negetive balance in between growth phase & falling phase is creating.

The Cause of Male Pattern Baldness-
Most men are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. It is the effect of hormones on the hair follicle that produces male pattern baldness. Testosterone, a hormone that is present in high levels in males after puberty, is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT has an adverse affect on the hair follicles.It make short the life span of hair. Acting on a hormone receptor on the hair follicle it slows down hair production and produces weak, shorter hair, sometimes it stops hair growth from the follicle completely. This process gradually depletes your stock of hair and is normal hair loss.

Other causes of Hair Loss-
There are other causes of hair loss also.It may be due to some systemic disease, i.e.- Anemia,Hypothyroidism, or after acute disease (e.g.- typhoid,malaria,jaundice etc ).Often mental stress is one of the main factor for hair loss. For this a general evaluation has to be done at first. .


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#CallUs +918343909909 ( Whatsapp) PRP Feedback | Hair Treatment | Kolkata | The patient should ensure that the doctor is aware of any prescriptions and over-the-counter medications the patient is using. It is especially important to follow the doctor’s instructions regarding medications that prolong bleeding, such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or blood thinners. The patient should not take aspirin unless a doctor has prescribed it, but acetaminophen is fine for a headache. When PRP is used to treat hair loss, the patient should wash their hair the day of treatment, and not use any products on the hair. A clean hat should be brought to the appointment and worn after the procedure to protect the area. Because PRP therapy involves drawing blood, it is important for the patient to eat a meal before the procedure to avoid lightheadedness. prp, hair regrowth, hair loss treatment, hair transplant, prp treatment, platelet rich plasma, hair loss, prp for hair loss, prp therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, prp hair loss treatment, prp treatment for hair loss, platelet rich plasma therapy, how to stop hair loss, how to grow hair, prp injection, male pattern hair loss, hair transplant before and after, dr hari kiran chekuri, redefine hair transplant and plastic surgery centre, redine, best plastic surgeon in hyderabad, hair prp treatment in hyderabad, hair with volume, dr. mehta, platelet-rich plasma, healing, gma, abc news, dr. vishal mehta, thick hair, non surgical treatments, rejuvenation, regenerative medicine, cell, stem, warwick, solihull, birmingham, prp injection treatment hair transplant, hair transplantation, hair transplant cost in india, transplant, hair, cost of hair transplant in india, hair loss, hair transplant surgery, hair transplant clinic, hair transplant kolkata, health (industry), hair transplant india, india, best clinic for hair transplant in kolkata, best hair transplant doctor in kolkata, best doctor for hair transplant in kolkata, best cost of hair transplant in kolkata, cost of hair transplant in kolkata, best hair transplant in kolkata, hair transplant in kolkata, hair transplant in india cost, hair transplant procedure cost, hair treatment cost, how much cost hair transplant in india, cost, in, best hair transplant clinic in kolkata, hair transplant cost in india mumbai, hair transplant cost in india hindi, hair transplant cost in india 218, hair transplant cost in india delhi, cost of hair transplant, kapil sharma hair transplant, celebrity hair transplant, cosmetic surgery, kolkata (indian city), hair transplant dhaka, hair transplant for khulna, best doctor for hair transplant in female, hair transplant in bangladesh hair regrowth, prp, hair, anoo's salon \u0026 clinic, prp injections, menopause, men baldness, blood, kim kardashian, vampire, red blood cells, calcium, leslie pickens, about face, dr. pickens, med spa, alopecia, vampire procedure, balding, injections, platelet rich plasma, hair loss, v6telugu live tv,, telugu live tv, breaking news, v6 youtube, v6 telugu news, v6 online news, v6 live news, v6 news, v6 good health, good health, anoo's director anuradha, anoo's anuradha, alexandria, dandruff tips, hair loss treatment, anoo's salon, reasons for hair fall, #PrpTreatment #HAIRPROBLEM #HAIRFALL #HairCare #kolkata #WESTBENGAL #OFFERS #HairCare #NiramoyClinic